Digital Agenda: How to exploit cloud computing in Europe?
The European Commission is seeking views from citizens, businesses, public administrations and other interested parties on how to fully benefit from 'cloud computing'. Cloud computing enables companies, public administrations and individuals, using networks such as the internet, to access their data and software on computers located somewhere else. It can help businesses – especially SMEs – to drastically reduce information technology costs, help governments supply services at a lower cost and save energy by making more efficient use of hardware.
EMI announces new software release
The EMI project is pleased to announce the availability of the EMI 1 (Kebnekaise) release.
This release features for the first time a complete and consolidated set of middleware components from ARC, dCache, gLite and UNICORE. The services, managed in the past by separate providers, and now developed, built and tested in collaboration, follow well established open-source practices and are distributed from a single reference repository. The reference platform for EMI 1 is Scientific Linux 5 64 bit.
Kebnekaise will be supported for 18 months, with 6 additional months of support for security issues.
Feature - Scientific software goes parallel
Most scientists do their data analysis using commercial software over which they have little control. Yet, to take advantage of the multi-core processors new computers ship with, algorithms must be designed to run in parallel.
Luckily, many of the more popular scientific software packages have gone parallel. Some even offer versions or toolboxes that manage clusters or grids. iSGTW scoured the world of scientific software for the latest information on parallelization in scientific software.