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European Grid Infrastructure    English version
International Science Grid This Week iSGTW
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Príbuzné projekty

Názov projektu Webstránka Slovenský partner
EGI-InSPIRE Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe EGI-InSPIRE ÚI SAV Bratislava
Európska gridová iniciatíva (The European Grid Initiative) EGI ÚI SAV Bratislava
EGEE Sprístupnenie gridu pre elektronickú vedu (EU project Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) EGEE ÚI SAV Bratislava
Informačný portál EGEE SK EGEE SK ÚI SAV Bratislava
Informačný portál SAV pre vysokovýkonnú výpočtovú techniku VVT VVT ÚI SAV Bratislava
Regionálne operačné centrum pre strednú európu (EGEE Regional Operations Centres in Central Europe) EGEE ROC CE
GILDA (Grid Infn Laboratory for Dissemination Activities) GILDA
P-GRADE (Parallel Grid Run-time and Application Development Environment) P-GRADE
P-GRADE portal P-GRADE portal
Genius Grid Portal Genius
MEDIgRID - EU 6FP: Mediterranean Grid of Multi-Risk Data and Models MEDIgRID ÚI SAV Bratislava
NATO project: Flood Forecasting on Grid Infrastructures ÚI SAV Bratislava
K-Wf Grid - EU 6FP: Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications K-Wf Grid ÚI SAV Bratislava
DEGREE - EU 6FP: Dissemination and Exploitation GRids in Earth sciencE DEGREE ÚI SAV Bratislava
int.eu.grid - EU 6FP: Interactive European Grid int.eu.grid ÚI SAV Bratislava
DEISA Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications DEISA ÚI SAV Bratislava
MEDIGRID Medical data storage and processing on the GRID MEDIGRID
TERAGRID HEP experiments & lattice QCD, Weather forecasting, Biomolecular Electrostatics, Eletric and Magnetic Molecular Properties, etc. TERAGRID
Grid-enabled Know-how Sharing Technology Based on ARC Services and Open Standards KnowARC UPJŠ Košice
HEP-experiments: ATLAS NORDUGRID UPJŠ Košice
Biomolecular simulations, Weather prediction, Coupled CAE simulations, Structural analysis, Real-time data processing EUROGRID
ASTROGRID Astronomy, Solar physics, Space plasma physics ASTROGRID
ANFAS datA fusioN for Flood Analysis and decision Support ANFAS ÚI SAV Bratislava
CROSSGRID Biomedicine, Physics, Earth Sciences CROSSGRID ÚI SAV Bratislava
ESA site for Grid Processing on Demand G-POD
Project Grid'5000 Grid'5000
Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe PRACE
CYber-infrastructure for CiviL protection Operative Procedures CYCLOPS
Austrian Grid Austrian Grid
D-Grid D-Grid
Doplniť projekty ostatných partnerov.