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European Grid Infrastructure    English version


Názov akcie Témy Miesto Dátum
Tutorial on Cloud computing programme Bratislava, UI SAV 24.10.2011
Course on Development of Grid Applications programme Bratislava, UI SAV 10.11.2010
Training course (including tutorial) for Grid users and application developers programme Bratislava, UI SAV 28.10.2009
Training course (including tutorial) for Grid users and application developers programme
Tutorial P-GRADE
Introduction to Grid and EGEE infrastructure
Grid security and getting the access to the Grid
Grid computing - principles of parallel and distributed computing
Development of Grid applications
Overview of the Grid middlewares and high-level tools
gLite middleware
Hands-on tutorial: Basic practicals with the gLite middleware (security, job, and data management) using both the Command Line Interface and Genius portal.
Bratislava, UI SAV 28.-29.10.2008
Kurz práce s gridovými technológiami Nordugrid and KnowARC Úvod do gridov
Uživateľské certifikáty
XRSL schéma pre popis úloh
Práca s úlohou v prostredí Nordugrid
Jednoduché gridové úlohy, Práca s dátami, Zložitejšie gridové úlohy
UPJŠ Košice
UFV, Jesenná 5
Kurz pre aplikačných vývojárov a administrátorov gridovej infraštruktúry program Bratislava, UI SAV 12.3.2008
Kurz práce s gridovými technológiami program
Úvod do gridovej technológie
Nordugrid a KnowARC
Ako prispôsobiť úlohu do výpočtového gridu
Jazyk xRSL a ARClib
Budúcnosť gridu na UPJŠ
UPJŠ Košice 23.1.2008
Course for grid application developers Introduction to Grid and Grid security (Úvod do Gridu a bezpecnost v Gride)
Introduction to gLite (Úvod do gLite)
Gridification of application (Gridifikácia aplikácie) Grid tutorial and demo
Bratislava, UI SAV 23.10.2007
Tutorial: "Setting up EGEE Grid site" Bratislava, UI SAV 22.10.2007
Course for application users, developers, and system administrators of Grid infrastructure (EGEE) The course is intended to be the first step in the education and training of specialists for the Slovak Grid infrastructure based on EGEE II. Course Bratislava, UI SAV 28.6.2007
Grid Job Management and Control in Earth Science Bratislava, UI SAV 1-2 March 2007
gLite Lightweight Middleware for Grid Computing Bratislava, UI SAV 28.11.2006
Kurz pre systémových administrátorov Basics of EGEE Grid operation
Design of grid site
Installation and setup of grid nodes
Registration of site into EGEE infrastructure
EGEE Grid site operation
Bratislava, UI SAV 28.11.2006
P-GRADE Parallel Grid Run-time and Application Development Environment Bratislava, UI SAV 17.10.2006
EGEE Grid infrastructure Bratislava, UI SAV 17.10.2006
Úvod do gridového počítania (Introduction to Grid computing) Grid induction course enhanced by some aspects for application development course Zilinska univerzita, (UI SAV) 04 April 2005
Application development course course Bratislava, UI SAV 10-11 March 2005
Úvod do gridového počítania (Introduction to grid computing) VRVS prednáška v rámci týždňa "Akademické informačné dni" (AID, 8-11.marec 2005) course FMFI UK, Bratislava (UI SAV) 09 March 2005
Úvod do gridového pocítania (Introduction to Grid computing) course TU Kosice, (UI SAV) 30 November 2004
Úvod do pocítania v Gride (Introduction to Grid computing) intro Bratislava, UI SAV 30 August 2004
Enabling Grids for e-Science in Slovakia (EGESK) EGEESK Introduction to Grids and EGEE project, Architecture of Grid UI tools in Crossgrid, Introduction to Grids and EGEE project, Architecture of Grid UI tools in Crossgrid Bratislava, UI SAV 26 May 2004
Information Technology for Risk Assessment in Water Management Awareness of FloodGrid application - a grid application example Bratislava, UI SAV 14 April 2004
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